Chronometer GIF and Illustration for Onlinemovies
Client: Chössi Theater Lichtensteig
Year: 2021
Technique: Illustration, 2D Animation
Was ist Verkehrsmanagement?
Client: Regio St. Gallen-Bodensee, www.regio-stgallen.ch, and the Kanton Bern www.jgk.be.ch
Year: 2016
Technique: Drawing Animation, 2D Animation
Was ist ein Agglomerationsprogramm?
Client: Regio St. Gallen-Bodensee, www.regio-stgallen.ch and the Swiss Gouvernment, www.are.admin.ch
Year: 2015
MVM Showroom
Client: MVM AG, www.mvm-ag.ch
Year: 2014
Technique: Live Action